My Story
A little more about me and what led me here...
Although I had a pretty nomadic childhood, I am mostly from Ann Arbor, Michigan. After graduating from the University of Michigan, I spent a number of years working to pay off student loans, fund my travels & basically, tried to avoid becoming a grown-up for as long as possible. Just as I thought I'd finally found my path and was about to go back to grad school, destiny had other plans...
I had come to visit Matera for the first time in 1989 and absolutely fell in love with the place and Italy in general. I then made frequent trips to Matera in the years following. I had even lived here briefly in 1995, when I came to teach English after doing a TEFL course in London. I had always thought I'd like to come back and live in Matera, if only I could find sustainable work. That opportunity presented itself just as I was at a major cross-roads...
In January of 2000, after some serious reflection and soul-searching, I made a big decision to take the plunge and move to Matera and I've been here ever since.
In addition to doing tours of Matera, I also work as a teacher, writer and audiobook narrator, two of my greatest creative passions.
As a tour guide, I have had the opportunity to show people around and narrate the incredibly vast history of this magical place for more than twenty years now. I have also had the good fortune of being listed in the Lonely Planet Guide for Italy for several years now, as well as having special mention in National Geographic Traveller.
I love my job, as it allows me to meet people from all walks of life and from all over the world. I get to share my passion for the local history, culture, food and lifestyle, as well as learn from my clients through their observations, thoughtful questions and the exchange of ideas about everything from history and geology, to food, books, arts and entertainment.
I love how much I've also learned through the personal stories and experiences people share, which in the end, is what really connects us all as human beings. It's all about the stories we tell.
My perspective and experience of the town continues to evolve and my passion for it is renewed through these exchanges. I guess you could say that a large part, (the best part), of what I do is connecting & sharing with other people. This job continues to be a catalyst for both professional and personal growth and development. What an opportunity! It's a humbling and rewarding experience and I'm forever grateful for it.